Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Sad, Dissapointing, Anti-Climactic Conclusion Of The Best Christmas Movies Of All Time

So I have been ridiculously busy x;mas break and have been putting this off for a while. So for the zero people that care/read this, here is the top 3:

#3) Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Absolute classic tale. Whether it's the animated version or the Jim Carrey version, nobody can hate on the grinch.

#2) Elf
The movie that introduced me to Will Ferrel, not many grown men could have pulled this one off like Ferrel did. Absolute comedic genius. Probably one of the most over-quoted movies all time, Elf is still able to remain hilarious every time.

#1) A Christmas Story
Is there really anything I have to say? This is the undisputed king of christmas movies hands down. A + + + + + + + + +


  1. You failed to include Santa Clause Is Coming to Town, and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, they are the definition of Christmas Classics...This list is invalid

  2. ....btw you are a sad, disappointing, and anti climatic person

  3. I must agree. My favorite Christmas movie of all time would have to be The Year Without a Santa Clause.

